There are more benefits to a healthy diet rich in vegetables and fruits than you may have thought. Eliminating red meat, junk food and dairy while increasing the amount of fresh fruits and veggies will not only help the waistline but it also helps to well… perfume the “juices”! In fact a tisane of orange blossoms, rosewater, and mint has been used by Europeans’ for many years just for this purpose.
Think about it, what goes in eventually comes out though all sorts of avenues such as urine, pores, and other bodily fluids. If you eliminate things such as cigarettes and drugs and minimize your intake of red meats, dairy, junk food, etc… and start eating more veggies and fruits your partner will be very appreciative.
I have done some research on things that you can drink daily that will help to increase a sweetness of sorts… These should be given a few days to work and they are good for you.
Tisane of Rosewater and Mint:
1 teaspoon orange flower water
1 teaspoon rose water
5 cardamom pods
3 leafy sprigs of mint
Slices of orange, lemon and lime to decorate
Bash the cardamom seeds lightly in a mortar and pestle to crack them slightly, and put them in a glass with the flower waters and the mint. Pour over freshly boiled water, leave to steep for five minutes and serve.
This one could use a better name but….
Super Spunk Smoothie
1 cup pineapple, fresh or canned
1 banana, frozen
1 cup apple juice
1/2 tsp ginger
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
2 TBS honey
Optional ingredients: 1 raw egg white, 2 TBS wheat germ, 2 TBS flax seed, 1 shot wheatgrass juice
Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Drink immediately. Repeat daily for best results.
In other news—apparently seminal fluid is nutritious for you so next time your partner request that action that is not always so appealing to woman, remember these statistics and maybe it won’t seem so bad!
What's in Semen:
Obviously, semen contains spermatozoa, but sperm accounts for only a small percentage of spunk. Cum is 90 percent seminal fluid, which is composed of dozens of chemical components. The base of seminal fluid is primarily fructose (sugar) and proteins, with many other trace minerals and substances. Here's a listing of some of semen's ingredients:
- Sugars: Fructose, sorbitol, inositol
- Proteins and amino acids: glutathione, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), creatine
- Minerals: Phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, calcium, potassium
- Vitamins: Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), vitamin B12, choline
- Hormones: Testosterone, prostaglandins
- Body byproducts: Lactic acid, urea, uric acid, nitrogen
Healthy semen (that is, cum produced by a well-nourished, disease-free male) may in fact be not only safe to eat, but actually good for you. Seminal fluid, the base of cum, is a veritable nutrient-rich soup. Semen is a source of highly concentrated, high-quality protein. In dietary terms, it's comparable to egg whites or gelatin.
Besides protein, semen contains high concentrations of some minerals, such as zinc, and trace amounts of other important nutrients, like calcium and magnesium. While you shouldn't depend on a shot of cum to get your recommended daily allowances of vitamins and minerals, swallowing semen on a regular basis can't hurt as a dietary supplement.
Will Semen Make Me Fat?
Although cum may look creamy and opaque, it contains very little fat, and few calories. One teaspoon of cum contains about 5 calories, and the average ejaculation produces about a tablespoon of semen, for a total of 15 calories. Because of the sugars in seminal fluid, we'd guess that it has a few carbohydrates, but considering the relatively small volume of semen per "serving" we'd guess the total amount to be negligible.
"Make Cum Taste Better - Viagra." Don't Spit, Swallow Cum - Blowjob. Web. 15 July 2010.