Sunday, December 19, 2010

Illuminating Moisturizers: My Top Three Picks

My skin is far from perfect and therefore I have to use a little more than just a tinted moisturizer. So when my dear friend Carrie asked me to do some research, I thought it might be useful to see which ones have the best coverage, as well as giving your skin that youthful glow.

My third pick was chosen because it is a great product if you’re on a budget. This product provides the perfect balance of moister, sunscreen, and illumination. You may still need a touch of concealer, if you have problem areas like I do, but it is lightweight and gives you a nearly flawless appearance.

Pick # 3: Stila Illuminating Tinted Moisturizer

My second pick was chosen because I couldn’t leave out the brand that is most near and dear to my heart…. I use nearly everything this particular brand has to offer and I have never been disappointed, especially by the POREfessional. If you don’t already use it, you should be!

But enough about that…. This moisturizer has anti-aging properties, such as Vitamin A and Vitamin E, which are essential in fighting against the elements that wreak havoc on our delicate skin.

Pick # 2: You Rebel SPF Tinted Moisturizer

Drum roll, please…..

My first pick was chosen because it has the best coverage. And while I still had to use a little concealer— when used with the hydrating primer—it gives an almost airbrushed look. It comes in three shades which should make it easy for everyone to find that perfect match. It is also SPF 20 which will protect the skin from UV damage while giving you a healthy youthful radiant glow.

# 1 Pick: Laura Mercier Illuminating Tinted Moisturizer SPF 20

Use with: Laura Mercier Hydrating Foundation Primer

In conclusion, these topical treatments will give you a wonderful youthful radiant glow, but it is only temporary. The only way to achieve a permanent look of true radiance is thorough proper nutrition and diet. Nothing beats a good sweat and a serving of omega 3 fatty acids, daily!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Easy to Make Oatmeal & Avocado Oil Sugar Scrub....

This nourishing all organic oatmeal and sugar scrub is rich in essential nutrients and contains clarifying ingredients to help exfoliate and protect the skin from free radicals, harmful UVA/B rays, pollution, and poor nutrition that we expose ourselves to daily.

Combined with the Oatmeal &Avocado Oil bath gel and body lotion with SPF 100+, your skin will thank you for a lifetime.

¾ cup organic raw sugar (see recommended brands below)
½ cup steel cut oatmeal
¾ cup cold pressed organic avocado oil
¾ to 1 cup (or to total saturation) fixed oil of choice (recommended :Babassu, Karanja and Sweet Almond)
1/4 tsp Essential or Fragrance oil of choice (optional) Jasmine or Lavender absolutes work nicely (see recommended brads).

Mix the sugar and oatmeal together in a large bowl. Slowly combine the oil in with the dry mixture. Mix well. When all dry ingredients are saturated and sink to the bottom of the bowl, add the essential oil and/or fragrance oil to the emulsion. The mixture is now ready to be bottled and stored for use.

Poor mixture in to your container of choice (a six or eight ounce wide-mouthed jar works nicely).

Recommended Use: For optimum results, use up to three times per week.

Recommended Brands:

Raw Organic Sugar: Sugar in the Raw

Essential Oils (Lavender): English Lavender

Essential Oils (Jasmine): Jasmin graniflorum (India)

Essential Oils: Avocado, Babassu, Karanja, and Sweet Almond

*May be stored for 24 months at a temperature not exceeding 77°F (25°C ) from the date of manufacture.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

It has been a while...

It has been a while...

Since we last spoke… So much has happened that I really don’t even know where to begin!

My business partner left without even so much as a goodbye… Lance stopped all contact with me for about three weeks, this last may. He called me while I was visiting family and working on finding investors –in Memphis. He told me that he decided to take on another opportunity and that he would stay on “the team” as a consultant. He promised to complete the work he started, as well as make sure the art work that my branding agent (his college friend) had done, was returned to me. Well, lets just say for the sake of keeping it short and moving on, that was our last and final contact! Of course I tried for months to reach him, but got nothing! I am not too worried though, as I am a huge believer in karma!

So much has happened since May and what I like to call the “Dark Era”. I am back in school, busting my ass trying to pass this semester I started 5 weeks behind. I found a new job working for a certain State Chamber that does not wish to be recognized as such. Personally, I feel like we would get more respect and make more money if we did call ourselves “The State Chamber”, but what the hell do I know…I am just a lonely MBA student trying to make her way!

I stopped working on Siren, and I guess it was a mourning period for me, but I am back and determined (more than ever) to make this dream a reality!

In short, things are great! Life or the “Universe”, as I like to refer to it, has shown me yet another reason why I need to fully pursue my passion for entrepreneurship. And my educational aspirations!

Siren is back on track and so am I. Keep those requests for informative discussions coming!

Love you, Dolls!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Adults Only: If you are easily offended please don’t read this.

There are more benefits to a healthy diet rich in vegetables and fruits than you may have thought. Eliminating red meat, junk food and dairy while increasing the amount of fresh fruits and veggies will not only help the waistline but it also helps to well… perfume the “juices”! In fact a tisane of orange blossoms, rosewater, and mint has been used by Europeans’ for many years just for this purpose.

Think about it, what goes in eventually comes out though all sorts of avenues such as urine, pores, and other bodily fluids. If you eliminate things such as cigarettes and drugs and minimize your intake of red meats, dairy, junk food, etc… and start eating more veggies and fruits your partner will be very appreciative.

I have done some research on things that you can drink daily that will help to increase a sweetness of sorts… These should be given a few days to work and they are good for you.

Tisane of Rosewater and Mint:

1 teaspoon orange flower water
1 teaspoon rose water
5 cardamom pods
3 leafy sprigs of mint
Slices of orange, lemon and lime to decorate

Bash the cardamom seeds lightly in a mortar and pestle to crack them slightly, and put them in a glass with the flower waters and the mint. Pour over freshly boiled water, leave to steep for five minutes and serve.

This one could use a better name but….

Super Spunk Smoothie

1 cup pineapple, fresh or canned
1 banana, frozen
1 cup apple juice
1/2 tsp ginger
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
2 TBS honey
Optional ingredients: 1 raw egg white, 2 TBS wheat germ, 2 TBS flax seed, 1 shot wheatgrass juice

Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Drink immediately. Repeat daily for best results.

In other news—apparently seminal fluid is nutritious for you so next time your partner request that action that is not always so appealing to woman, remember these statistics and maybe it won’t seem so bad!

What's in Semen:
Obviously, semen contains spermatozoa, but sperm accounts for only a small percentage of spunk. Cum is 90 percent seminal fluid, which is composed of dozens of chemical components. The base of seminal fluid is primarily fructose (sugar) and proteins, with many other trace minerals and substances. Here's a listing of some of semen's ingredients:

  • Sugars: Fructose, sorbitol, inositol
  • Proteins and amino acids: glutathione, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), creatine
  • Minerals: Phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, calcium, potassium
  • Vitamins: Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), vitamin B12, choline
  • Hormones: Testosterone, prostaglandins
  • Body byproducts: Lactic acid, urea, uric acid, nitrogen

Healthy semen (that is, cum produced by a well-nourished, disease-free male) may in fact be not only safe to eat, but actually good for you. Seminal fluid, the base of cum, is a veritable nutrient-rich soup. Semen is a source of highly concentrated, high-quality protein. In dietary terms, it's comparable to egg whites or gelatin.

Besides protein, semen contains high concentrations of some minerals, such as zinc, and trace amounts of other important nutrients, like calcium and magnesium. While you shouldn't depend on a shot of cum to get your recommended daily allowances of vitamins and minerals, swallowing semen on a regular basis can't hurt as a dietary supplement.

Will Semen Make Me Fat?
Although cum may look creamy and opaque, it contains very little fat, and few calories. One teaspoon of cum contains about 5 calories, and the average ejaculation produces about a tablespoon of semen, for a total of 15 calories. Because of the sugars in seminal fluid, we'd guess that it has a few carbohydrates, but considering the relatively small volume of semen per "serving" we'd guess the total amount to be negligible.

"Make Cum Taste Better - Viagra." Don't Spit, Swallow Cum - Blowjob. Web. 15 July 2010. .

Thursday, July 8, 2010

A break Up of a Different Kind!

Honestly, some days you just want to give up.... My so called business partner dropped off the face of the planet after what I thought was a very positive and exciting conversation about what our next move would be in terms of launching the product. We talked about getting our investor package together so that I could present it while in Memphis. We talked about publishing an e-book and building the website, etc... And then all of a sudden nothing for weeks. My calls and emails weren't returned and I mean is this the way you do business especially with a company in it's infancy?!

For the last year I have been working with his friend on my branding and after several conversation saying he was almost finished with the first 4 Sirens, I can't get this A-hole to call me back either.

I know these are just bumps in the road to success, but can a girl catch a break...

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Main Event – My battle with Weight and Finding My Inner Goddess!

Round Four: Freeing You!

Well, I want to apologize to my readers for posting this nearly two months after I said I would. As some of you already know I was in Memphis for about a month and it is hard to stick to your normal routine while on vacation.

I will make this short and to the point. As woman we typically are our biggest critics and no one can punish us more than we punish ourselves. We berate ourselves for every imperfection when in fact we should be celebrating them. It is what makes us unique and if we can learn to appreciate and even love our bodies we might find that it is the best relationship we have ever had.

I have a wonderful relationship with food –we laugh, we cry, and we sometimes over indulge. I have learned a few tricks along the way, some healthy and some not. The best advice I can give is don’t starve yourself and don’t deny yourself anything, but do watch how much you eat. I read a book called Naturally Thin written by my favorite NYC Housewife, Bethenny Frankel. In her words, “treat your diet like a bank account”. If you overindulge at one meal then balance that out with the next meal or two. And as they do in the old country, taste everything and eat nothing. Meaning, you have little bites of everything instead of gorging yourself on one meal, that way you feel as though you have had a wonderful meal, you have tasted everything, and you can still fit into you cloths. You can also keep yourself from overeating by remembering this one very simple fact; the food isn’t going to get any better than it was during the first few bites… You don’t have to force yourself to finish everything on your plate as if you were a 4 year old all over again. Your mother isn’t going to scold you and you’re not getting grounded, so stop eating so much. Remember 7th grade science, it takes about 10 minutes for satiation to begin. Why do think in other countries, like France for instance, a meal is more of an event rather than the instant gratification we indulge in as busy and overworked American’s. Every bite of French food is decadent, buttery, creamy, and typically all the things we are told to stay away from, but the difference is the French know how to eat to enjoy and not eat to the point of a food coma. There is also something to be said about the people of the Mediterranean and the fact that they have a longer life expectancy than we do. They drink wine with every meal and everything is fresh, nothing processed, and they eat a ton of fresh fish.

To conclude this chapter, food is a form of art in many cultures; ergo people tend to have a healthier relationship with food. You can be healthy and thin and yet still enjoy all the wonderful things food has to offer. Remember these few simple tricks and you can enjoy yourself without all the guilt associated with too much of a good thing… Moderation is the key to happiness or at least that is what I believe.

Hope this helps and thanks for taking the time to read my posts!

Works’ Cited: Frankel, Bethenny, and Eve Adamson. Naturally Thin: Unleash Your Skinnygirl and Free Yourself from a Lifetime of Dieting. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2009. Print

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Main Event – My battle with Weight and Finding My Inner Goddess!

Round Three: Overcoming Demons

I was in a dark place and decided that the best course of action was to act like everyone else my age and hide behind drinking and partying. I lost sight of who I was and what I wanted out of life. I was acting in a negative way and therefore negative things happened in my life. I got involved with the wrong crowds, stayed out late, worried my poor mother almost to an early grave, and did not pursue my goals I had set as a young child to become a doctor. I was wasting my life and then… I finally snapped out of it and not a moment too soon. A lot of the people that I was hanging around with got involved in illegal activity and most of them ended up in and out of jail.

That was my wake up call and so I decided to get serious about my life. I was twenty and started dating this guy who seemed sweet and sincere. He had great eyes and an infectious smile which was almost the end of me. I had this idea to start a line of fragrances’ and he was quick to jump on board with the idea. We started out small and then became somewhat successful. He was the biggest mistake of my life- long story short, he stole money and left me homeless, and then he took his own life. After that, I gained a huge amount of weight due to stress and depression so I moved to Cleveland to live with my Aunt and get my life back on track once again. I tried everything from walking to running in order to lose the 60 pounds I gained, but there was one thing that eluded me and that was the concept of eating right. I was working out and not losing a pound, in fact I was gaining weight. I continued to walk to work every day and had all but given up until I met Joe.

Joe had the body of a Greek God! Some say that he looks like an anatomy chart and it is kind of true. He was gorgeous and I thought I had a less than zero chance. I just stared at him from a far every time he would come into the store I was working at. Then one day I noticed he was coming in for no apparent reason. He would just come up to the counter and talk to me for hours and my boss finally had to tell him to ask me out or buy something and so he asked me out. We hit it off and unofficially dated for a few months before I moved back to Colorado. Once I got settled back home he came for a visit and one thing led to another and he moved out to Denver.

He was what I like to call the” Fitness Nazi” and it was exactly what I needed. He taught me about eating well and working out regularly and it wasn’t long until I was back in great shape and feeling good about myself. This time it was different, I finally started to accept myself for who I was. I started to embrace my curves and love my body for everything it was and wasn't. I had finally gotten to a place where I was truly happy with the way I looked and I had decided that I looked pretty damn amazing despite what "mainstream" deemed as sexy!

After two and a half years we ended our relationship, but we still remain the best of friends. I kept my body in shape and worked out regularly for a while until I lost that drive and became complacent with where I was at. We all do it because it is easier to accept what is there rather than striving for what is better. We get lazy and fall back in to old habits or whatever the excuse that makes us sleep better. If I had known that I would gain back half of that 60 pounds in less than a year, you bet your ass I would’ve continued to work out and eat right. It is so much harder to gain back that momentum once you have let it go!

To be continued.....

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Main Event – My battle with Weight and Finding My Inner Goddess!

Round Two: Negative Self-image

My tween/teenage years were a nightmare, I was already developed in certain areas (wink-wink) and I still had my supermodel strut which made me a huge target for other kids to constantly pick on me. Being beat up and called names everyday takes a toll on a girl. I was back to my ways of being self-conscious and hating my body and the way I looked. I had curves and was tall and I thought I was fat and ugly because I let all those people get inside my head. I remained reclusive and didn't talk to people much because I was afraid of what they thought about me.

It wasn't until I turned 18 that I decided I was going to get in the best shape I could and I couldn't give a damn what others thought of me. I had a whole new set of friends and I was finally coming in to my own. I started to embrace what I had, but it wasn't long before I tried to convince myself that I needed to change my body to conform to what the magazines and mainstream media deemed the “norm” of what a woman looks like. I was kidding myself, I have never been nor will I ever be a size zero. I am just not built that way, but I thought I had to look that way to be accepted. I tried everything short of bulimia to look the way I perceived as being beautiful. This was all enough to send me into a terrible downward spiral of depression and horrible negative self-image issues. And even though I was in the best shape of my life I hated my body……

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Main Event – My battle with Weight and Finding My Inner Goddess!

Round One: Self-confidence Learned at an Early Age

As requested, this is my confession of being totally obsessed with my weight! It’s true and if you know me then I am sure I have asked you at some point “Does this make me look fat?” I can’t help myself and I have no one to blame but me, but the good news is that I made it to a point in my life where I can finally embrace my curves and say with conviction that I am sexy as heck….!

I guess the best place to start is from the beginning.... So here it is!

It all started one perfect January afternoon back in 1990 in California at a brunch for my grandmothers birthday. I was discovered by the man who, at the time was the head of the Miss California Pageant Organization. Jeep Jones (head honcho), was staring at me from another table and my grandmother, who (if you know her then you this about her) is a spitfire that ya just don’t want to mess with, stood up and walked over to his table demanding an explanation as to why he had his “creepy little eyes all over her granddaughter”. He stood up and extended his hand with a look of horror in his eyes and introduced himself. Needless to say she was bright red in the face. She took his card and returned to the table too embarrassed to finish her meal.

After several months of preparation I entered the first of many pageants. It started with Miss San Bernardino County where I took 3rd princes and Miss Photogenic. That was enough to qualify me for the next round which was Miss Inland Empire where I took 2nd princes, Miss Photogenic, and Most Potential. Not to mention several hundreds of dollars in scholarship money. I qualified for the nationals held in Anaheim which was the beginning of the road to Miss California and eventually Miss America. I did not place in the Nationals, but I did receive Girl of the Year, Miss Photogenic, and Miss Congeniality. And I won several divisions including western wear, prettiest eyes, smile, and face. That was enough to send my self-confidence through the moon and as a tall lanky child who was constantly teased, it was much needed.

My family was transferred to Waycross, GA several months later where I entered one pageant and actually won the title. It was America’s Cover Miss USA and it came with some great prizes and more money. My southern beauty pageant career was short-lived as we eventually moved back home to the great state of Colorado.

A few months in to being back home (where I was born) my mother received a call out of the blue. It was one of the judges from the nationals in Cali. She was also a talent agent for the children’s division of Elite Modeling Agency. She wanted to sign me but I had to go to a modeling school where they could help me lose my pageant ways and become more marketable for print and runway work. I did just that and it started out great until they started hounding me about my weight and nitpicking about everything else. My mother saw the effect this was having on me and so being the wise woman that she is, she yanked me out and that was the end of my life as supermodel.

I was devastated and my family and friends spent the better part of a year trying to convince me that I was beautiful both inside and out. My mother always taught me that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that being a good person was far more important than being “ Really, really, ridiculously good looking” LOL! How true those words are but it took me 15 years to really embrace it.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Be Careful About What You Buy!

According to a report by the Organic Monitor, consumer interest in organic and ethical environmental personal care products is relatively high, with the US being the most prolific country seeking quality organic ingredients coupled with ethical environmental practices. An estimated 8 billion dollars alone was spent on organic personal care products by US consumers last year. With an expected growth rate of 3.4 percent annually, consumers are seeking quality products that are marketed, labeled, and produced accordingly with EcoCert, Soil Association or USDA Certified Organic regulations, as well as EPA standards and that offer value-based pricing.

High market growth rates and the absence of official standards are leading to many pseudo-natural products being launched. The proliferation of organic & natural personal care products is making consumers scrutinize the ingredient composition and demand products with high levels of natural extracts, ethical and certified organic ingredients. New entrants like Clinique and Estee Lauder are launching products certified by organizations like Ecocert and Soil Association. Other companies are making products that contain USDA certified organic ingredients.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Newly Single and Dating Again!

There is something to be said about the grieving period of a dead relationship. I, however consistently make bad decisions in that arena and so , true to character, I decided to dive head first back into the proverbial dating pool. I am not sure what was worse, spending the entire evening comparing the sweet new guy to the old “not so sweet” but oh so desirable ex, or the burnt turkey burger he (sweet new guy) served me on an over-processed generic white sesame seed bun…!

While my head is still in compare and contrast mode…. Shall we?

Guy A: Sharp shooter who is defiantly into breaking hearts and thinks the world revolves around him. A self-serving hunter with a sleazy one-track-mind! Often, there was little space left for me after he and his ego entered the room. Defiantly has a chip on the shoulder, but when we were alone he was the sweetest man you could ever hope to share the company of. Driven and ambitious with a heart of gold that I often said was surrounded by the great wall. Which was appropriate since the majority of our relationship was spent with him living in China! Tender, kind, and sincere until he got hungry or something else pissed in his Fruit Loops!

Guy B: Not the one, but a nice break from all the bullshit. He is nice on the eyes, cute smile, and salt & pepper George Clooney hair, which I am a big fan of. If Chris Daughtry and Timothy Olyphant had a baby…! He really is yummy, but seemingly lacks ambition, direction, and goals. On the plus side he is adventurous, but he also said he was good in bed. And any self-promoting “sex God” usually isn’t… ugh! He invited me on a camping trip in Napa Valley, but….. Wait for it…..with his parents! OY VEY!

Guy B scored major points with me when he asked me if I wanted to go on a walk through the park… cute, right! Short lived because when I got there he nixed the walk and decided we would hang at his place and drink wine (we all know what that means)! He might have had a chance if he played is cards right, I’m just sayin’! I decided that since I got all dolled up I would indulge him. If I had known that I would be served a burnt turkey burger on over-processed white sesame seed bun with generic cheese and a side of spinach with stale tortilla chips I would have stayed home. Hell, I have four pounds of turkey burger and a fabulous salad chillin’ right here! He was filled with great conversation though and again, easy on the eyes, which almost made up for the lack of originality on our first and probably only date!

My conclusion, this dating thing is overrated, until I meet that man who shakes me to the core, if he is out there… back to the drawing board.

Goodnight and sweet dreams!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My New Secret Weapon.... Jamie Atlas and Bonza Bodies!

I would like to take a moment and give a shout-out to my friend and personal trainer Jamie Atlas.

Guys, I am going to be real with you. I am not, never have been, or ever will be a size 0, 2, 4, 6, and only once was I a 7/8 (damn I miss those days)! Recently I gained a massive amount of weight (40 ish pounds) and have a few other issues that lead me to believe there is something more going on than just being a chick. I have tried everything, every diet, pill, book, infomercial, etc, and nothing is working. Except Jamie! He just might be the best kept secret the Mile-High City has.

Jamie's knowledge is so extensive and he is so encouraging that it is hard not to want to see him on a daily basis. The results I'm getting even with this recent massive weight gain is amazing to me. I have had many trainers and so I know first hand that this guy is a gem!

When I figure out what is going on with me internally and can control it, well there is just going to be no stopping the fat loss!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Need some feedback!

My business partner was in town this past week and we accomplished a ton of really great stuff.

We met with some really motivated people for our real estate business (Amber, that means you)! Lance was finally able to chat with our attorney in person. We would have liked to meet with title company, but we spaced setting up a meeting. We had a great 45 minute conversation with the lead formulator at BPI labs in Wyoming. She has really been a wealth of knowledge in regards to all that we need to do and who can help us get'er done!

We figured out the weighted formula for the first product that will most likely be launched as a test market soft launch. I had to actually go the a pharmacy and ask for an oral syringe which apparently the pharmacist did not hear the "oral" part of that request. She glared at me with her judgmental eyes and gave me a tongue lashing about the fact that she just "can't give out a syringe"! I mean I know I was on Federal Blvd. but give me a break! It was pretty funny!

Alright, back to business. It would be great to get every ones opinion on what y'all would like to see on the market first. We are thinking a soft launch of one lotion with four scents to start and as we become more successful we will add the bath gel, body butter scrub, and massage oil candle. We could also shoot for the lotion and bath gel with four scents... As a consumer would having 2 products to try be ideal or is one enough for the moment?

All and all a great week and I am so very motivated for things to come!

Next up, picking my color palate -let the fun begin!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Is Anyone Out There???

Hello..... I think I heard an echo!

Hypothetically speaking, if you were dating someone who made it a hobby of theirs to point out all your flaws because they say it is supposed to "help make you a better person", what would you do?

If you love them do you stay and work through it?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The process of starting an organic and eco-friendly bath and body products company like Siren of Serenity is research intensive. The research conducted on the internet, based on market trends, showed that the market place is on the brink of a new age. The market place research showed that 60-70 percent of the population is concerned about the products they are putting into and on their bodies, as well as, what effects they have on the environment.

There are good reasons for people to be concerned, when most of the bath and body products used are not eco-friendly and have a number of dangerous chemicals in them, such as:

· Acrylamide: Used to manufacture contact lenses, soaps, and cosmetic products.

· Ethlene oxide: Used to sterilize cosmetic, food, and medical products manufacturing equipment.

· Nitrobenzene: Used as a substitute for almond essence in perfumes’, lotions, and soaps. This chemical is also used in shoe and metal polishes.

· Perfluorooctanoic acid: Once used as a pesticide this chemical is now commonly used as coating for non-stick cookware, stain-resistant coating for rugs, furniture, clothing, and of course as a compound for cosmetics.

· Urethane: Utilized as a solvent for organic materials and co-solvent in the manufacturing of pesticides, fumigants, and cosmetics.

According to the Silent Spring Institute in a report published in 2007 titled “Environmental Factors in Breast Cancer” (Silent Spring Institute, Newton, MA, 2007) the above chemicals have been linked to causing mammary gland tumors in animals. The report cited that there are over 200 chemicals to be known environmental factors in causing breast cancer and that a large amount of these chemicals are used in our personal hygiene and beauty products. The Silent Springs report also noted that when these chemicals were administered in the drinking water of lab rats they were shown to induce mammary carcinomas and tumors in the mammary glands. In some cases both sexes were affected. The vast majority of these chemicals are used in a variety of products that range from cleaning solvents to pesticides. When the consumer uses a product, like lotion for instance, it is expected to be moisturizing and generally good for the human body – not something that doubles as insect poison. In the same study it was stated that, from 1973 to 1998 the breast cancer rates in the United States increased by more than 40%, “identified breast cancer risks cannot account for this escalation” (

Since these ingredients aren’t ingested into the body, there is very little regulation on what can and cannot be used to make skin, hair, mouth, and nail care products. Some mouth washes have been linked to increased mouth and throat cancer. Chemicals in deodorant can greatly increase your risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Other chemicals may cause asthma, ADHD, hormonal problems, and even decreased fertility. Removing these chemicals from personal hygiene products leaves the consumer with essential oils, vital nutrients, and healthy compounds that can be trusted to produce a healthy outcome from everyday use.

So How Important is Sex?

Sex is that space where you go to be intimate, loving, and connected, so when you've been dating someone for a while how important is the sex? Does that connection and the intimacy take a backseat to a stronger emotional connection? Or do we just get lazy and complacent?

Sex, Relationships, and Beauty Products....

Let me first introduce myself, My name is Serene and I am the President and CEO of Siren of Serenity. I will be your host and I would like to welcome you! Siren of Serenity (or SOS as we'll refer to it from here on out) is unique in the sense that we strive to seek out real issues for all women, their skin, and their lives. SOS is an organic based and sustainable bath and body company which provides quality organic ingredients in all our products. While maintaining a deep focus on energy conservation and sustainability, we are constantly striving for innovative ways to minimize our carbon footprint and raise awareness within the beauty industry.

Siren of Serenity isn't setting out to be just your average beauty products line... We are here seeking real questions and answers to all of life's little situations. Real women have real issues and we need real answers from other real women (and the occasional guy) who are going through the same things... We need to know we are not alone! We have skin issues, relationship issues, life issues, and we certainly have something to say!

I am starting this company from the ground up and lemme tell ya... it ain't easy! It has been a whirlwind of excitement, bumps in the road, the glamorous and the not so glamorous! Starting your own business at the age of 29 in a economy such as this is well..... crazy! You're not the first person to think so and you certainly won't be the last! Hell even I think so, at times. When I set out to create my company I realized that there is more to life for a woman than quality, organic beauty products. We have questions and we are defiantly seeking answers and not all questions are skin deep!

Ladies and the occasional guy, I have a couple questions to set the tone and kick things off!

Beauty Products: With all that we know about the harsh chemicals used in cosmetics and their negative effects on your body, quality of life, and the environment why isn't more being done to eliminate them?

Sex and Relationships: In a day and age where sex is easily obtainable, everywhere we look, and over-exposed are we still allowed to believe that it is special…? Are we still allowed to save ourselves for the right guy and be selective or are we going to be passed up for what comes easy? Just because we are being selective does it mean we are conventional or are we allowed to have a life, a career, and the relationship that we want and deserve?

The forum is now open!