Saturday, January 29, 2011


Can there be more than one earth shattering, soul shaking love that feels as though destiny is giving you another chance? Or is it that the love you had was just to prepare you for the next level of enlightenment?

Do we simply fall in love way too easily and what we often feel and recognize as love is nothing more than an emotional upheaval of past experiences. Are we longing for a “story book fairy tale” and so we perpetually seek out the careless whispers and what we believe to be an unfounded connection to one another-- in an attempt to mask the pain of heartache and heartbreak?

Is there any validity to the theory of a soul mate? What if you have found your soul mate in someone other than a lover? Is it possible that your soul was split into several pieces, therefore giving you more than one soul mate? Or do we just have a propensity to continually fall down the proverbial rabbit hole until we can no longer stand to be so dizzy?

Can you believe enough in love to understand that maybe love is earth shattering and soul shaking not once, but several times, because what we feel with another may just be what we had lacked with the former?

Is there more than one true love out there because the needs of your heart have changed and love is willing to adapt to that?

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